The Maggie Society Canine Rescue Rehabilitation & Education

Foster a dog and you save the life of someone's new best friend.

From One of Our Fosters

My sister told me I do not need to explain myself !!

BUT I feel if I don't put it out there people will not thinnk about it ! Maybe !!! Just maybe I will reach one person & that person can reach one person !! As it is said it takes a village to save our dog's & puppy's from certian death & at times abuse !!!!

FOSTERING is not for everyone ! I thought for a long time I couldn't do it . BUT one person told me this . Yes . you cry when its transport time ! Yes . it hurts your heart & soul to let them go ! BUT !!!!!, YOU are saving a life !!!! They will go on to a Forever Happy , Loving Home !!!! YOU have made them loved !!! YOU have done this !

I'm Blessed . I own my own home so I don't have to deal with a landlord . I have a huge fenced in back yard . The Maggie Society has helped me to put a BIG pen in my yard . They help me to do what my heart has always wanted to do ! Without them & Wags Rescue of Wilson, I would not be able to do this .

All it basically costs me is my time & What I get in return is Lot's of happy , grateful kisses from every foster I am able to save !!! PLEASE !!!! Take the time to think of this ! PLEASE ! If you are able give it a try !! YOU will be saving a very grateful baby !! No matter how young or old they are , they are baby's & always so grateful !!! <3!

Thank you Maggie Society & Wags of Wilson for all you do for these innocent baby's !!! IT TAKES A VILLAGE !!!!

THE MAGGIE SOCIETY Foster Application


If you were alone in a new town, where would you rather stay, in a metal crate or in the home of some nice family with companionship, love and affection?

The Maggie Society strives to place the animals in our care in the most appropriate and permanent living situation. Until that perfect home can be found, our animals remain in the care of one of our dedicated foster parents.

Most of the animals that need foster care will need your patience, understanding, time, training and unconditional love to help them move into their forever home.

Most fosters are only with you for a short time, enabling us to learn more about the personality and habits of the animals. While other fosters may require additional time so that they can learn how to trust and be loved.

If you are able to open your heart and home to help foster one of our beloved animals, Wags will provide the following:

  • All medical care
  • Support in caring for your foster
Please help us give these beautiful animals a new start in life!

We cannot do it without foster families and adopters. These are dogs in need, dogs that were thrown out like trash, in some cases actually thrown out of a vehicle and dumped. We need to show them that not all humans are bad and that there is someone, lots of someone’s, out there that want to love them.

If you can’t foster long term consider fostering one dog one time, it will help!

  • Without you there is a shelter dog whose time will run out!

If you are interested in fostering one of our amazing dogs please contact us at or fill out an application.

Please see the resource below for how to best introduce a foster dog into your home
LEADING THE DANCE; Bringing home your Maggie Dog